Food, Family & Funky Socks = Thanksgiving Is Almost Here

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It’s a favorite holiday for many of us and features the 3 awesome F’s: Food, Family, and Funky Socks. Provided that you are not a turkey, we all have something to be grateful for. Really, what’s not to love about an extra day off, solely dedicated to stuffing your face with delicious eats? But we all know that sometimes those large get-togethers can be a little crazy and stressful. No worries, we got your back and created a few handy little tips to help you prepare for some smooth sailing for the big day - smooth like gravy, that is.
If you are invited to a dinner, make sure you bring something. And don’t bring something crappy like a 2-litre bottle of soda that gives away just how lazy you really are. Whether you despise or are just completely inadequate at cooking, here is the ultimate trick. In the 1950’s a bunch of cookbooks came out that all featured horribly disgusting recipes made with jello that ignited a temporary fad amongst housewives. Go find one of those cookbooks at a thrift store and you will be forever spared. First of all, ANYONE can make jello. Second of all ,once you add in the ham, bread, mayonnaise, tuna or whatever else the recipe calls for you can bet that ain't nobody gonna eat it. As long as it looks presentable in a nice little casserole dish, you will get the bonus points for putting in the effort even though everyone is suddenly apologetically just too full to try it.
Love ‘em, but they can drive you nuts. We all have that weird, embarrassing uncle that we see for 5 hours a year and struggle to make conversation with. Spare yourself the painful chit chat about how no, miraculously you haven’t wet the bed since you were 5 years old and take control by wearing some super flashy socks. Totally awesome distraction, guaranteed. Another thing to remember about family. Do not, for ANY reason make plans to go Black Friday shopping together. Christmas and Hanukkah are like a month away, feuds will not be resolved by then.
The best part about Thanksgiving! You still have a week to plan which perfect pair to wear. Will it be traditional turkeys or drunken flamingos? Savvy stripes, funky polka-dots or nifty pattern socks? Perhaps a fashion show with a few sock changes throughout the day to reflect your current mood. Whatever socks you choose, make sure to enjoy the day and get enough awesome eats to give you total turkey brain. Rock ‘em, sock ‘em and kick up those feet to relax, you just survived another holiday.
Oh, and one last thing! Why did the pilgrims’ pants fall down? Because they wore their buckles on their hats……..